Scott County, Tennessee
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Search For: Obituaries
Funeral Home Cards
Search Type: Soundex
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Search Hints
  1. Find records for people with a specific surname by entering that surname in the Last Name field and then click Search.
  2. Find records for people whose surnames are similar in spelling or sound by entering the surname in the Last Name field, click Soundex, and then click Search.
  3. Soundex searches can also be used with Maiden Name searches.
  4. You can combine Maiden Name and Last Name searches by providing surnames in both fields or just one field. If soundex is also requested, the soundex search will only apply to the Last Name field for the combined search.
  5. Partial first names can also be entered; e.g., entering 'Chris' will find Chris, Christopher, Christine, etc.
  6. Wildcard "%" can be used with first names (e.g., %ris will find Kris, Chris, Christopher, etc.)
  7. Wildcard "_" can be used with first names (e.g., Christ_ne will find Christine, Christene, etc.)
  8. If the New Records box is checked then the Last Name, First Name, Maiden Name, and Soundex fields are ignored.

This page was created by Timothy N. West and its contents copyrighted © 1996-2024 by him. All rights reserved.